Monday, May 7, 2007

Guns control

To begin with, many damages can be caused by the firearms.

  • 10 000 of 15 000 murderes were commited with firearms in the USA

  • 49% of adults are owning a gun in the USA

  • a gun can get into criminals, juveniles, and in the "high-risk" individuals hands.

Individuals who have weaker nervous system and are carrying a gun can use it without any reason.

So, should a government regulate guns? The government claims that gun holding is for protection.

In the Bill of Rights the second amandment to the Constitution reads:

the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

However, fewer guns means fewer deaths, homicide or suicide.


Monika said...

Informative article! You surely have a strong oppinion on each topic.

Skirmantas Nikstele said...

well, this blog only proves that the US is a piece af scum. nice blog, informative one:)
Good day, Ske